Every woman wants to look beautiful. Women use various beauty treatments to look good. You can either choose home treatments for doing manicure or pedicure or you can visit a beauty salon for the same purpose. No matter what your preferences are you should know the basic rules of manicure. Doing manicure is simple and day by day new techniques are adopted by the professional manicurists. Either you are working for an organization or you are just a house wife it is necessary to keep your hands and feet in good shape. Take care of them in order to feel pretty and comfortable. Here are some simple but efficient manicure ideas.
- Filing your nails is an essential step of the manicure. How to file your nails? Should you file your nails only when they are dry or you can use filers for wet nails? The basic idea is to make the nails smooth and equal and in the wanted shape. It is better to file your nails dry. Wet nails easily split.
- The softening of your hands is done by using warm water. The water may be rose water or filled with some oil, soap or cream. This is done to keep your hands soft for the further processing.
- The next step is to push back your cuticles. If necessary cut extended cuticles but do not trim if they are already small in size.
- Applying nail polish involves three basic steps.
- The first base coat is applied to help for the long lasting effect of the nail polish.
- Secondly, nail polish is applied in the form of thin coats. Use two to three coats of thin polish. There is no need to apply thick layers of polish as it gives an unnatural look to the nails and it will crack and peel faster.
- Thirdly, apply the top coat that adds shine to the nails and keeps the nail polish on for longer. Apply this coat on the tips separately.
- Remove the smudges of polish after completing your manicure if there are some. Use a cotton or a brush dipped in nail polish remover for removing any polish smudges.
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