Women hate to spend a lot of time in waiting for the nail polish to dry. Correcting the nail polish which has spread around the nails is also pretty irritating. This happens due to improper drying and wet nail polishing. After holding anything or placing your hands on your ears or head you suddenly realize that something just comes around the nails. It is the nail polish that is ruined. Save your extra time and efforts by following these ways to dry the nail polish in a proper way.
- Use cold air to dry your polish. Many manicurists use fans to dry the nail polish but you can your hair dryer on the lowest temperature at home for the same purpose. The cold air is the key factor that dries the nail polish quickly.
- Another fast way of drying nail polish is to dip your hands in freezing cold water. Apply the nail polish and then dip your hands in water filled with ice cubes. This process is effective to dry the inner coating along with the outer coating. In other ways of drying, only the outer layer is dried and the inner layers remain wet which causes problems later on.
- Nail sprays are nowadays widely available in the stores. Their use takes only a few minutes and they leave your nails dry and with a beautiful shine. You can also use oils for this purpose. Once your nails are dry wash them properly to remove any grease.
- One of the best manicure tips to dry the nail polish is to put it in the form of layers. It is discussed everywhere that nail polish should be applied in three steps. Manicurists use thin layers of polish two to three times. This is done to avoid putting a thick layer at once which takes a lot of time to dry. By putting thin layers and waiting for each layer to dry separately you will achieve a perfect manicure.
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