I often get asked by people what we do to keep our marriage happy and our attraction and love for each other strong.
So today...here is one little tip:
Exercise Together!
You guys have all seen the studies about how happiness is directly related to exercise. The research is everywhere!
So I say, if you want to feel vibrant, happy, and excited about life - why not be WITH your spouse (or significant other) as those exercise endorphins are at their best? :) Good conversations, self esteem, smiles, healing, excitement, connection, and positive thoughts are bound to happen. Every time Danny and I walk, hike, or ride bikes together, this definitely works for us. I can't recommend it enough. Even one time a week is so great. Also, the good energy you feel during your walk can help to break any ruts that you might be in - and begin to change the patterns of how you feel when you're together. I'd love to hear if any of you have success with this. Also...
To get some inspiration going, is there an exercise activity you like doing with your spouse (or significant other)? haha. Sorry, I didn't know how else to word that. :) I'd love to try racquetball sometime with Danny. My sweet in-laws love to play golf together, which I think is so awesome.
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