I will explain the main alternatives to the hours all the best Pay Per Click Site – Adsense
1. Bidvertiser
Bidvertiser can be a useful alternative to Google and offer some interesting advertising formats, requiring less design. This allows you to specify the appearance and size of your text ads. Another important advantage is that the ads are well paid Bidvertiser and then the rest of the ads below. And more likely to get more revenue per click.
If you see blogs or Web sites when you hover over a link, a small box opens and displays advertising. Basically, when users click on these links, you will be rewarded. Info Links are the most popular places, such as lists of adsense. Info Links I spend too much as it was easy to use, the gain is less than AdSense, but Chitika and other alternatives. And it allows us to receive money via PayPal. Oh, they always pay!
If the content of your blog to promote products or comment on certain products, Chitika is a necessity when it comes to ad networks, you can win if you do keyword research a product before placing in Chitika advertising. Payment: Paypal and checks. Minimum payment: $ 10 Paypal, $ 50 for checks.
Adbrite to be the best alternative to Google AdSense, has received a lot of features. Although they are not good enough to give you many different ad formats, editors can use some commonly used formats. If your site has a good amount of traffic, you can rank higher in Adbrite Marketplace allows multiple advertisers.
The popular networking Internet advertising. Ads that offer is displayed depends on the keywords that visitors use to find your blog or website. Payment Methods: Paypal. Minimum cost: $ 50 for all citizens avaialable.
Another popular add networking site. You may earn a big number of amount from this site. Payments are made at Net 15 basis. They clear your account on the 1st of each month when your minimum reaches $50.00, and pay on the 15th of each month.
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