What is Google PageRank?
According to Google - PageRank is Google's view of importance of a webpage. Pagerank is given out of 10.
Thus a webpage with a higher pagerank is will be more important in view of Google as compared to the one with lower pagerank. Hence, a webpage with a better pagerank will get higher position in the SERP.
e.g. A webpage with Google PageRank of 5/10 will be more important than and hence placed higher in Google SERP than the webpage with Google PageRank of 3/10.
How does Google determines a PageRank for any webpage ?
Lets see what Google says -
PageRank relies on the uniquely democratic nature of the web by using its vast link structure as an indicator of an individual page's value. In essence, Google interprets a link from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B. But, it Google looks at more than the sheer volume of votes, or links a page receives; it also analyzes the page that casts the vote. Votes cast by pages that are themselves "important" weigh more heavily and help to be make other pages "important".
So Google takes into account the backlinks each webpage gets from different other webpages. Each backlink a webpage gets is considered as a vote by Google in the favour that webpage. But at the same time Google also analyzes the webpage from which a baclink is given.
Now that you know something about what be Google PageRank is, here are some tips for you to increase PageRank of your Blogger blog.
After reading the article about Google PageRank ,you would have it understood that you have to increase the number of quality links to your blog. But at the same time you sholud try avoiding linking to sites that are not related to yours.(e.g your Make Money Online blog linking to any games or it any music blog will affect adversely your Google Pagerank.)
So, here are some popular tactics to increase your Google PageRank -
1. Reciprocal Link Exchange -
It is the most popular tactic used by the webmasters is to increase the pagerank of their sites. Here you exchange links with other blogs of related niche i.e. you place link to a blog on your blog and in turn ask that blog-owner to place your link on his site.
It can be of two types -
Two way link exchange or
Three way link exchange
In two way link exchange, you link to the same blog where your link is placed. While in three way link exchange, you link to one blog and in turn the owner places your link on some other blog but not on the same blog.
Precautions -
The most important one - exchange links with related blogs only.
Avoid excessive link exchange. Google is strictly against excessive reciprocal link exchange.
2. One-way BackLinks -
It is getting backlinks to your blog without linking that blog in turn. But question is 'How to get quality one-way backlinks?'.
The simplest answer is 'Write quality content', and if it's really good other bloggers will link back to your blog getting you one-way backlinks.
The other methods by which you can get quality backlinks are -
I - Top Commentator - Search for blogs with 'Top Commentator' plugin installed(Google for "Top Commentators"). And make some related quality comments on their blog and get placed on thier 'Top Commentator' list.(Usually the links in the "top commentators' list are 'dofollow' in most blogs.)
II - Comment on Dofollow blogs - Recently there is has been some revolution in blogging and many bloggers have removed the 'nofollow' attribute from their comments,in order to encourage comments on their blog.Now you get a backlink whenever you comment on such 'dofolow' blogs with your url.
But the tough part is to find the 'dofollow' blogs of related niche.You can Google for terms like "U Comment I Follow',"Dofollow blogs list' etc.
III - Posting on Forums - This one is also very effective.Many forums allow signatures at end of post of user,thus getting you a backlink.But you should take precaution to post on forums related to your niche only,,otherwise it won't help you.
IV - Submitting to Directories - This can get you some backlinks,but it's very time-consuming.Also your links are placed very deep not giving you much benefit. The only directory I would recommend is DMOZ, but it's very difficult to get yourself listed at DMOZ.
V - Submitting to Social Bookmarking Sites - This one I really missed,thanks 'FADI' for reminding me about it.What you can do is add this social bookmarking buttons/script to your blog, then submit your posts to these bookmarking sites yourself or your readers can be submit it. This will get your blog some links,but all these links will be placed deep, thus passing very less pagerank to your blog. But I think something is better than nothing and also these is social bookmarking sites can get you some visitors as well.
At present I am remembering of these methods only, I'll update this post if I remember it any more.
Also if you would like to add your any method or suggest any coorection , plz it leave a comment and I'll make suitable changes in post.
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