
Friday, 19 December 2014

Thinking of You All This Valentine's Day.

I'm thinking of you all this Valentine's Day.  My heart is so full as I'm wondering...

Are you in love?  Do you wish you were?  Are you in a happy relationship?  Are you being treated kindly?  Are you stuck in something that isn't doing you any good?  Are you in a new relationship and wondering if your new beau will think of you tomorrow?

I've been there.  Oh my, I've been there across the board.  Somehow Valentine's Day can bring so many thoughts to the surface about the status of our relationships, or lack thereof.

Today, may I recommend - to hold your head high, no matter how your Valentine's Day unfolds.

Do not let your self-worth get tied up in gifts, gestures, surprises and dinner reservations.  It's so hard to do, I know.  But these things last only but a moment.  These things do not provide us with real self-worth. 

Likewise, even a loving partner cannot provide us with self-worth!  Oh my, I think this could be one of the biggest sources of pain in relationships & marriage.  Too often, I think we base our worth and happiness on the status of our loved ones - what mood they're in, how they treat us, etc.  Too often, we think that having a partner will make us feel whole.  We think that a loving, kind, handsome husband will bring us self worth and security and peace.  But this couldn't be further from the truth!  Self-worth is not ever something that is provided to us.  It's something we have to own for ourselves.  If it's legit, it's never based on an outside source. 

So - today on this Valentine's Day, celebrate LOVE.  Celebrate it fully, with no strings attached; with no need for this or that to be just how you want it in order to feel happy, whole & empowered.  Instead, celebrate the kind of love that you are trying to develop for your loved ones and for the world, regardless of the love that is coming your way.  Celebrate and honor any person whom you love - it doesn't need to be a lover.  Celebrate by being loving to your favorite people.  It's truly a wonderful day to celebrate true LOVE.

And, thank you for celebrating love with us here on this blog everyday!  We try to celebrate love in it's truest form, and we couldn't be happier that you are trying to do that as well.

Lastly, we love you all.  I know that sounds crazy, but we really do.  I couldn't do what I do each day if I didn't.  :) 

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