How can I make him fall in love with me?' This is one of the questions we ask when we meet someone and when we truly like a person. Far from strategies, preconceived ideas and tips conceived to drive him crazy after he sees you for the first time, the best is to read about the most important features that can make him fall in love with you.
Often we want to attract and seduce a man and perceive this as a challenge, without realizing that it represents more than that. You need more skills and patience to succeed in this endeavor. It certainly worth’s the effort, if you consider a long time project with him. I have a friend who tried for 10 years everything that can pass through the mind of a woman to seduce a man and just when she lost her hope, he dedicated his whole life to her.
Important characteristics
The best option, beyond all your qualities that could attract him, it is to have a strong sense of realism. At the same time it is very important to attract him by making use of the features that characterize you, defining your personality: naturalness, creativity, spontaneity and the ability to avoid routine.
Experts claim that the naturalness implies freshness, regarding both the attitude and the external physical appearance. Imagine the following situation: you seduce the guy you like and it comes inevitably the moment when you sleep together. Even if a part of him was conquered by the person who uses dozens of small female tricks, as we all do, he will wake up in the morning next to 'another' woman, a woman he must like as much as before.
Spontaneity means not to lose your ability to laugh, in these circumstances, when you may be concerned to drive him crazy.
Independent, but without exceeding the limits
Your mother and grandmother's advice always say to try keeping our 'cold blood' and out head on the shoulders even when we are so in love that we feel like floating on small clouds. The best advices are influenced in the first weeks or even at the beginning of the relationship, by the strong desire to be next to him. You have the tendency to see your friends less often, to spend much less time immersed in the problems related to your career and to put on top the date with him or, when it's not practically impossible to be together, the moments when you dream with your eyes open.
This is a sensitive point. The independence is good, but men don't necessarily want this from a woman. He must see that you need him in your life, that you need his presence. The experts sweep away the myth of the independent woman who attracts men unconditionally. The truth is that I really wouldn't like to be next to a man who seems not to need me in any way.
Give him the importance he deserves to receive!
Strictly related to the ability to show him that you need him, but without being perceived as desperate to have a relationship or to seduce him no matter what, is the ability to make him feel that, in those first moments, he's important for you.
You can show him this by respecting him as a person and by showing him that you consider everything related to him: his presence next to you, the things he shares with you, the topics discussed.
Another important thing is to try, without exceeding the limits, that you know the person in front of you. Many times, when we fall in love, we intend to imagine all sorts of things about the person we like: we add him features and feelings that, maybe, he don't have, we imagine that we can 'read' different things in his behavior. We also create an idealized image and too little real about that man.
Get interested in what he likes!
You don't have to become the fan of his favorite football team, to dress only in the colors of his team or to force your cat to wear a neck bell that plays his anthem! It's enough to care about him and to ask about his passions and things that interest him and, eventually, to spend your time next to him and to his 'passion'.
Don't think only about your needs!
If you're desperate to be with someone or marry, you should know that these things are perceived by others. Also, if your past relationship affected you, he will feel this. This warning addresses to those who think they could hide certain facts.
There are many factors that can influence the way in which the relationship between you and the man you want next to you will take place. It's good to understand that you can't control all these factors.
Falling in love is related to the first impressions. If you are not his type of woman, you could be Aphrodite as well, because there is nothing you can do about.
I think you should keep in mind one thing: try to enjoy every moment and to perceive your dates as being something special.
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